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The purpose of this plan is to identify the responsibilities of BOM Bank for providing Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals with meaningful access to vital documents and information about relevant BOM Bank products and services (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). The following information discusses the translation services available.

BOM Bank Customers

– The volume of service to LEP individuals is extremely small because BOM Banks customer base is mostly English speaking, there are some Spanish speaking customers but to our knowledge there are no other language speaking customers currently.

BOM Bank currently has individuals on staff who speak:

  • American Sign Language
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Zulu

The CDFI Fund has designated certain populations as “Other Targeted Populations.” These are African American, Hispanic, Native American, Native Alaskan residing in Alaska, Native Hawaiian residing in Hawaii and Other Pacific Islander residing in Other Pacific Islands. Because of the targeted populations approved for Certified Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), BOM Bank focuses its outreach efforts on these populations, which may include LEP individuals.

BOM Bank Policy

While BOM Bank has little day-to-day contact with LEP individuals, we do believe that all consumers, regardless of the language they speak, should have meaningful access to information about our products and services. The following is the CDFI Fund’s policy regarding services for LEP individuals.

· It is the policy of BOM Bank to not discriminate against any person who is Limited English Proficient (LEP). In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 BOM Bank will take all reasonable steps to provide LEP persons meaningful access to program information upon request.

The purpose of this policy is to establish effective guidelines, consistent with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, for BOM Bank personnel to follow when providing services to, or interacting with, LEP individuals. Following this policy is essential to the success of BOM Banks mission in ensuring reasonable access to LEP individuals.

LEP persons may request relevant materials from BOM Bank via our website. BOM Bank does not currently believe that we need to use any third party vendors to assist any LEP individuals at the time but would look into it in the future.

Upon request and within reasonable time restraints, BOM Bank will provide translations of our information into Spanish or other languages. BOM Bank will decide how to allocate its resources for translation services based on relevance, time or cost restraints.