Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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CDs & IRAs

The earlier you start saving for retirement, the better off you’ll be. A CD or IRA allows you to save money, earn interest and reduce the taxes you pay!

Certificates of Deposit

  • Available to individuals, businesses, corporations and organizations
  • A minimum of $500.00 required to open a Certificate of Deposit
  • Interest rates vary by term of certificate
  • A substantial penalty will be assessed for early withdrawal

Individual Retirement Savings Account

  • Available to individuals only
  • A minimum of $200.00 required to open account
  • Please contact us for more information about this account

The interest rate shown may change after the account is opened. ** The annual percentage yield (APY) assumes the principal and its interest will remain on deposit for a full year at the listed rate or until maturity. Withdrawals, fees, and other conditions could reduce earnings. ***For further information about applicable fees and terms, see our Customer Service Representative.